About Us

We are SUCU, a community sharing Jesus' love, hope and joy with our campus!

Our vision is to give every student at the University of Southampton the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.


Meet the Committee

Nassia Vogelzang

Nassia Vogelzang


[email protected]
Joseph Deans

Joseph Deans


[email protected]
Lucy Rurlander

Lucy Rurlander

Impact Groups Coordinator

[email protected]
Luke Wilder

Luke Wilder

International Coordinator

[email protected]
Ben Coleman

Ben Coleman

Personal Evangelism Coordinator

[email protected]
Madeleine Smith

Madeleine Smith

Outreach Coordinator

[email protected]
Sam Jadav

Sam Jadav

Events Week Coordinator

[email protected]
Erica Rebosapca

Erica Rebosapca

Publicity Coordinator

[email protected]

Christopher Mitchell


[email protected]
Reuben Paine

Reuben Paine


[email protected]
The Gospel

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

It's all to do with Jesus: a real, historical human just like us. Except that he was perfect. In fact, he claimed to be God, predicting that he would die but come back to life. He came to this world as the only person who could put right the problem at the core of everyone since humanity's beginning, and the root of all evil: our rejection of God, who created us and longs to be in relationship with us.

In our rebellion against God, by not having Him at the centre of our lives, we miss out on the full life we were made for, and on eternity spent with Him in a perfect, new creation after we die.

But, as Jesus died on the cross in an act of unparalleled love for us, he took the fair punishment that should be ours, and in exchange, gave us his perfect status before God.

Not only that, but after 3 days he came back from the dead to prove that he was God, that his sacrifice on the cross worked, and that his promises come true.

Because of the cross and resurrection, we can have forgiveness, restored relationship with God and eternal life!

It's on the table for you, right now, and Jesus has paid for it all. Have you taken him up on the offer yet?

If this is news to you, we'd love to chat with you, open up the Bible (which is all about Jesus) and answer any questions you may have. The book of John (a close friend of Jesus who wrote an eyewitness account of his life) is a great place to start investigating this "good news".

Statement of Faith

Foundational truths that we believe

  1. There is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
  2. God is sovereign in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement
  3. The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour
  4. Since the fall, the whole of humankind is sinful and guilty, so that everyone is subject to God's wrath and condemnation
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ, God's incarnate Son, is fully God; he was born of a virgin; his humanity is real and sinless; he died on the cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth
  6. Sinful human beings are redeemed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death once and for all time of their representative and substitute, Jesus Christ, the only mediator between them and God
  7. Those who believe in Christ are pardoned all their sins and accepted in God's sight only because of the righteousness of Christ credited to them; this justification is God's act of undeserved mercy, received solely by trust in him and not by their own efforts
  8. The Holy Spirit alone makes the work of Christ effective to individual sinners, enabling them to turn to God from their sin and to trust in Jesus Christ
  9. The Holy Spirit lives in all those he has regenerated. He makes them increasingly Christlike in character and behaviour and gives them power for their witness in the world
  10. The one holy universal church is the Body of Christ, to which all true believers belong
  11. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in person, to judge everyone, to execute God's just condemnation on those who have not repented and to receive the redeemed to eternal glory

More about our Doctrinal Basis, and the reasons for having one, can be found on the UCCF Website.


Our Constitution

Our constitution can be found on the SUSU Website.